VARDIAFRICA LEADERSHIP CENTRE-VLC is Africa’s Foremost Value Reorientation and Leadership Centre Powered by VARDIAFRICA, with sole purpose of Repositioning Africa through Value Reorientation, Leadership and Development

VLC is structured to positively transform the mindset of Emerging Leaders in various Sectors both in Business Sustainability, Entrepreneurship Development, Value Reorientation in Workplaces, Workplace Masterclass, Cyber Security Trainings, Time Management, Manpower Development for Private and Public sector, Reorientate Young Persons, with the sole aim of promoting Excellence and Value in Workplaces, Business Circles, and all human endeavors.

At VLC we carryout Human Resource/Business Development, Research and Capacity Building for Government, Businesses, Corporate Organizations, Multinationals and individuals while adding significant value in a professionally unique manner..


Delivering Top-notch Masterclasses that is centered on Value Enhancement, Business Development, Human Resource Solutions with the sole purpose to significantly improve our clients’ corporate and business existence.


Our End Game

To constantly deliver to our clients Top-Notch Masterclasses that will help reposition them for excellence and maximum productivity, for Longevity in business and global impacts through Value Reorientation..